This hilarious half-hour game show is based on the hugely popular Hot Ones web series created by Complex Networks’ First We Feast. In each episode, host Sean Evans welcomes fans into the“Pepperdome” to compete against one another by answering trivia questions and eating increasing mouth-scorching hot wings for $25,000 and the chance to become Hot Ones legends.
We created a video series from BTS footage as well as an Instagram lens and various other pieces of social content. The @hotonesgameshow Instagram account went from 0 to 40k followers in just 3 months.
Role: Sr. Art Director, Editor, Lens designer
Spicelord Instagram Lens
Beyond The Pepperdome
Sifting through hours of behind the scenes footage, we created a bunch of social content highlighting the best moments of our contestants' capsaicin agony...
...while also igniting some serious debates in the comment section.